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How to use WPF Background Worker

Takeshi Okada 2154 24-Sep-2013

I am a beginner with WPF, in my application I need to preform a series of Initialisation steps, these take 7-8 seconds to complete during which my UI becomes unresponsive. To resolve this I preform the initialisation in a separate thread:

    public void Initialization()


        Thread initThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(InitializationThread));



    public void InitializationThread()




        outputMessage("Initialization Complete");


I have read a few articles about the BackgroundWorker and how it should allow me to keep my application responsive without ever having to write a thread to preform lengthy tasks but I haven't had any success trying to implement it, could anyone tell how I would do this using the BackgroundWorker?

wpf wpf 
Updated on 24-Sep-2013

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